Fells Climbed: Souther Fell, Blencathra, Mungrisedale Common, Bannerdale Crgs and Bowscale Fell
I try to get out on the first day of summer, as I hope to set the tone for a summer of walking. Last year I managed Great Gable, this year, I thought Blencathra. The forecast promised a good day. They were half right. It didn't rain, but the wind which was forecast at around 30mph and moderating throughout the day, was blowing at least 50mph and did not let up for the whole circuit. Mrs Vic and I set out from Mungrisedale, looking to saunter over Souther Fell. On good days hang-gliders fly from here, but they thought better of it today. It also put paid to any idea of a look at Sharp edge. The alternative is more of a plod, as shown by the wife in the above picture, but Blencathra was eventually gained to much delight. We then went in search of the dullest Wainwright in the entire 7 volumes, which we eventually "ascended". The flat, featureless terrain, did at least allow me to explain how to pace when navigating to the Mrs. We returned via Bannerdale crags and Bowscale fell, ending up (to no-ones suprise no doubt) in the local pub for a drink and substantial roast beef sandwich. The second picture is Sharp edge from Bannerdale. There were a couple of "loonies" up there but most ducked off the top due to the wind.
They are forecasting snow this week, so who knows, maybe I will have to dig out my crampons again, one can only hope.