As I have mentioned before, I am always looking for something a little different to do when outdoors. I had started to do a bit of climbing at my local climbing wall to improve my foot work for scrambling, which is something I am interested in. I am now finding climbing one of those frustrating pastimes, one which I am completely addicted to, but not that good at. I was especially intrigued by the idea that it is a lot different on actual rock, than the indoor wall. This last week, I have been fortunate to try and remedy this skill gap. I spent two days of contrasting weather in Wales with Rob of on an intro to climbing course. On the drier first day we looked at several single pitch climbs. I managed to top out one at "severe" as well as a couple of V Diff. I sadly could not negotiate the crux of the VS climb we tried. The following day we had a bash at a two pitch climb. (Boo Boo (HVD)) which I got up quite nicely. I was a little more apprehensive about the lengthy abseil down Yogi (VS 4b). The day was rounded off with some ungraded single pitch stuff around Llanberis before a trip to the legendary Pete's Eats.
A chance conversation with my neighbour the day after revealed that he was returning to climbing after an absence of a few years and asked me along to a morning at Anglezarke Quarry with a friend of his for some single pitch climbing (My attitude to heights has not completely gone so 8-10 metres was quiet enough thank you). The vertical gritstone of Lancashire was in contrast to dolerite of Tremadog. With little in the way of "juggy" holds I struggled to ascend anything, scraping over the crux of Aldreds Original (V Diff) but got "becalmed" 2/3rd of the way up "Wedge" (HS 4b).
Whether I get frustrated with this new direction, or get sufficiently bloody minded to try and "improve my grade" I am not sure. The mental aspect, as well as the energy sapping is keeping my attention for now. The fear of falling is perhaps holding me back a little (Although I came away a couple of times today)
The first picture is of "Tim" a guy on the intro course, who climbs like a mountain goat in trainers, so will be handy in proper shoes and the second is me, taken by Rob, whilst I was holding an abseil about five minutes before the first picture.
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