Monday, January 3

A Gentle Start to the Year

A combination of poor weather (couldn't get the car off the drive) and poor health (Flu and stomach bugs) and Christmas left December a barren month for walking.
With 2011 being a new start for many. myself and the Sherpa, Mrs Vic decided a gentle low level walk would be nice. It would also give a chance to take some nice photos as the wind chill is less at tarn level. We elected to repeat one of our first ever walks with a circuit of Grasmere and Rydal Water, following on to Ambleside for a butchers at the outdoors shops. The forecast wall to wall sunshine did not materialise, but it stayed dry. We travelled light, banking on a pub lunch, which we duly had. all in all, the route is around 10-11 miles, so was still a good New Year stroll and I did manage to get a couple of nice pictures for my walking photobook project. The image here is Mrs W wending her way to Rydal Hall from Ambleside.

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